Dancing Borders Panel Discussion: Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, 17 Sept, 14:00-16:00
This discussion will celebrate the launch of the latest video work Dancing Borders by artists Zoe Walker & Neil Bromwich, premiering at the Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival, screening from 15th – 19th Sept. The Dancing Borders Panel Discussion will focus on cross-disciplinary and collaborative practice, looking at ways in which creative practice can respond to the context of site to re-invent histories, and examine the potential for this type of expansive practice to act as a catalyst for social transformation.
Dancing Borders is an ambitious cross-disciplinary project that uses dancing, ceremony and pollination to transform the psychology of place. Taking place in Berwick-upon-Tweed Dancing Borders marks the start of a collaborative process between artist duo Walker & Bromwich with Mobius Dance Theatre.
Panelists: Neil Mulholland (Associate Head of the School of Art, Edinburgh College of Art), Laura McLean-Ferris (Writer, Guardian, Art Review London), Zoe Walker & Neil Bromwich (Artists, UK), Henna-Riikka Halonen (Artist, Finland)
Event Schedule:
14:00–16.00 Panel Discussion in historic courtroom chambers in the Town Hall Berwick-Upon-Tweed, refreshments and discussion
11.00–17.30 View at your leisure, Dancing Boarders Video showing in Coxton Tower, and the Bath House by Henna-Riikka Halonen showing at the Prison Cells
The Dancing Borders Panel Discussion is supported by Newcastle University Intersections and Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival
Dancing Borders project is supported by: Arts Council England, Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival, Maltings Theatre and Arts Centre, Northumberland County Council, Newcastle University Intersections
Photograph: Mark Pinder
Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201