Thursday, 30 October 2008

Library Information Seminar - DIGITAL IMAGES

The Library’s series of lunchtime information seminars continues next WEDNESDAY, 5TH NOVEMBER in SEMINAR ROOM 2.15, EVOLUTION HOUSE LEVEL 2, from 1:00 to 2:30.

This session is devoted to DIGITAL IMAGES for learning and teaching:

- Andrew Baxter will discuss internet resources for finding digital images, beyond Google Image Search. Andrew has recently completed his MSc dissertation on art and design students’ use of digital images.

- Gordon Andrew will demonstrate Luna Insight, the College’s powerful digital image management software.  Gordon will look specifically at the library’s Image Collection and the AMICA Library, concentrating on Insight’s use for teaching and presentations.

All College staff are invited to attend.

Our Term 1 programme of seminars will continue on the following dates – all

Wednesdays at 1:00 to 2:30, Seminar Room 2.15 in Evolution House:

12th November - RefWorks [Room 2.15]

19th November - Electronic Journals [Room 2.15]

26th November – RefWorks [Room 2.15]

Once again, we look forward to seeing you at one, several, or all of these


- Wilson Smith

  wilson smith / principal librarian

  phone: 6033 / fax: 6293

Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201