David Sherry - Left Luggage
Porta Nuova Metro Station, Torino
Thursday 7th June 2012
Performance Times: 12.00 - 13.00, 16.00 - 17.00We are pleased to announce a second invitation to Turin for the Glasgow based artist David Sherry. This follows a well received performance in the city last year, as part of our ongoing cultural exchange between Glasgow and Turin.
Left Luggage
David Sherry's new presentation in the main Metro Station Porta Nuova in Turin, makes reference to public transport announcements concerning unattended luggage. The performance highlights the paranoia surrounding left luggage which exists within the routine of travel. The artist performs as a piece of 'living luggage' waiting for an answer to this paradox.
This performance is part of 'Road Directions' Torinover12 curated by Elisa Lenhard and Francesca Solero.
Artists: aiPotu, Diego Canato, Claudio Conti, Michele Dantini, Ilana Halperin, Michael Höpfner, Andrea Massaioli, David Sherry (off-site performance), Gosia Turzeniecka, Maurizio Cilli/Cosimo Veneziano, Marco Cordero in collaboration with Lonely Planet.
Opening Wednesday 6th June 2012 6-8pm MAO - Museo d'Arte Orientale, Via San Domenico 11 Torino.
In collaboration with MAO, Torino from 7 June to 15 July 2012.
Torinover is an ongoing sister city initiative commissioned by Patricia Fleming Projects made possible by Glasgow City Council in association with Elle Contemporaryprojects.
Supported by:
Regione Piemonte
Fondazione CRT
Camera di Commercio di Torino
Consolato Generale dei Paesi Bassi
Glasgow City Council.Thanks to:
Ministero Per I Beni E Attivita' Culturali
Ministero Degli Affari Esteri
Regione Piemonte
Provincia Di Torino
Citta' Di Torino
Circoscrizione 1
For further information or images please contact ruth@patriciaflemingprojects.co.uk
Image credit: David Sherry 'Living Luggage' 2010.
Unless otherwise stated ©2012 Patricia Fleming Projects All rights reserved
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