The History of Financial Crises Ellie Harrison
7th - 28th November 2010
For this solo show in Market Gallery's new space I'm exhibiting two installations including The History of Financial Crises, in which the turbulent history of capitalism over the last century is re-enacted each day by a row of popcorn making machines.
OPENING: Saturday 6th November, 19:00 - 21:00 ARTIST'S TALK: Saturday 6th November, 19:30 OPEN: Thursday - Sunday, 11:00 - 17:00
Market Gallery 334 Duke Street Glasgow G31 1QZ

Art and the Economy Forum Event
Saturday 6th November 2010
This FREE day-long event marks Market Gallery's 10th anniversary and aims to explore the relationship between art and the economy. It features presentations and discussion from Francis McKee, Mark Fisher, Mark Robinson, Peter McCaughey and Ellie Harrison.
2nd Floor Barras Bargains London Road / Bain Street Glasgow G40 2ST
www.marketgallery.org.uk RSVP to: market@marketgallery.org.uk |

Ellie Harrison's Fireworks Display!
Just in time for Guy Fawkes Night this Friday 5th November, I've finally got round to uploading a video clip of the Fireworks Display performance I staged earlier in the year at the Glue Factory, Glasgow.
As the sister work to The History of Financial Crises, this performance spectacle is a one-woman attempt to re-enact a chronology of 'the history of revolution' over the course of the last 360 years via the medium of pyrotechnics.
More information > Video documentation >

Digital Media Labs
Stuart Childs, Ross Dalziel, Michael Day, Ellie Harrison, Bob Levene, Victoria Lucas, Lawrence Molloy, John O'Shea, David Priestman and Eleanor Weir.
A group exhibition of touch screen artworks and experiments created during the Digital Media Labs residency at Hull School of Art & Design from 24th - 30th October 2010, including my piece Scratch Cards and How clean is your mouse? made in collaboration with Bob Levene.
OPENING: Thursday 4th November, 16:00 - 19:00 OPEN: Friday 5th November, 11:00 - 17:00
Eleven 11 Humber Street Hull HU1 1TG