16 November at 7pm
free, no booking required
James Hugonin - closes 20 November Combine a last chance to see James Hugonin's exhibition with a concert by Peter Gregson. Described by The New Yorker as 'at the forefront of the new music scene' Gregson will be playing a programme of music in response to the show, including works by Morton Feldman, Steve Reich and Ligeti.
James Hugonin - 2 October - 20 November 2010
Installation view in Gallery I, Ingleby Gallery ________ Artists Talk 24 November at 7pm
free, no booking required
Susan Derges will be in conversation with Garry Fabian Miller ___ A Little Bit of Magic Realised 25 November 2010 - 29 January 2011 A Little Bit of Magic Realised, opening on 24th November, examines the work of Susan Derges and Garry Fabian Miller and places their work alongside early photographic experiments from the nineteenth century. The title comes from William Henry Fox Talbot's description of the invention of photography.
To complement the phenomenally successful Shadow Catchers show (an in depth look at the work of five camera-less photographers, including Derges and Miller) at the Victoria and Albert museum, A Little Bit of Magic Realised shows new work by them both alongside treasures from their archives, which will be juxtaposed with early historical photographic works by Anna Atkins and William Henry Fox Talbot.
'These are images of breathtaking directness and naked truth. Taking an analogy from music, this is "photography unplugged".'
Mark Haworth Booth, formerly senior curator of photographs at the V&A
Garry Fabian Miller - Cow Parsley (Swaledale) 1987 Susan Derges - Bluebell (Flower) No. 1, 2000 ________ "We are a small group of people against a tidal wave of photography defined by a camera. Twenty-five years ago I realised the camera was an obstacle in my own work. I didn't want to take photos of the physical world anymore. I wanted to make physical the things I sensed around me. It is possible for photography to exist in the same way as musical composition – not depending on the physical world"
Garry Fabian Miller 'I'd been working with a camera in the studio, doing a lot of staged photography, when I started to look at things outside. I remember one of the first things that triggered a print was seeing a still pond with a cluster of newly-laid frogspawn. The sun was passing through the spawn and it was printing this image on to the bottom of the pond. And I just thought, 'wow, that's a print, it's a sun print.'
Susan Derges
Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201