Sunday, 4 November 2007

At the Collective This Week...

Tessa Lynch

New Work Scotland Programme - Tessa Lynch
Tuesday 6th - Saturday 10th Nov

Tuesday 6th November, 12 - 3pm.
Tessa Lynch: Artist's Performance Workshop
Tessa will host an informal workshop where participants work together to respond to news stories and generate human tableau scenes - the resulting images will be displayed in the gallery space for the remainder of the week.
The gallery will be closed during event.
To book: There are 4 places left. This event is free, contact the gallery to reserve a place on 0131 220 1260 or email

Wednesday 7th - Saturday 10th November.
Open for Your Interactions
The gallery is 'open for your interactions'. Come along and have a go at arranging Tessa's props with a space for 'acting' out any scenes you devise. All responses will be photographed and left in the space. Gallery open: Wed - Sat, 12-5pm.

Saturday 10th November, 7-9pm.
Final Performance
Tessa's closing event will feature the best tableaux produced during the week with a live narration of the corresponding story.

Collective Gallery | 22-28 Cockburn St | Edinburgh | EH1 1NY|
t: 0131 220 1260 w:

Collective is funded by The Scottish Arts Council and Edinburgh City Council.
New Work Scotland Programme is funded by Esmee Fairbairn.