[https://staticapp.icpsc.com/icp/loadimage.php/mogile/479857/549947614983f8792aaaa42f87869fbd/image/jpeg] huntly ab54 8br | tel 01466-794494
Huntly Signature Menu Launch
The new Huntly Signature Menu dishes are ready for you to taste at local eateries across town from
1st December 2012
Huntly Signature Menu Launch Weekend
Simon Preston's town is the menu project culminates with the launch of the signature menu
Throughout the autumn of 2012 Simon Preston<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=53090140&msgid=657830&act=B4SY&c=479857&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.graceonline.co.uk%2F> has swapped soup and cake for stories with local people to unearth Huntly's culinary identity with a view to create and adopt a Signature Menu for the town.
As a market town with its roots in agriculture, food production and consumption is an important part of our daily life.
On and from the weekend of the 1st December local eateries will join forces to launch the signature dishes on their menus, and a stall at the Farmers' Market will be selling street food samples to taste and the signature loaf.
Partners are: Huntly Hotel, Gordon Arms Hotel, Park Lane Cafe, The Larder, The Merry Kettle and many more.....further details to follow.
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