Thursday, 13 September 2012

Catalyst : Call for Submissions


Catalyst Arts Gallery
Annual Members Show

Call For Submissions


Catalyst Arts would like to invite all members to submit work for the 2012 members exhibition, scheduled to open on 27th September and centred upon the theme of 'experimental'.

Each member is eligible to submit one piece of work in any medium, but we would ask that members take into consideration the large amount of submissions annually received, all to be displayed in the gallery, and to tailor the scale of the work accordingly.

Annual membership for 2012 is £20 waged / £10 unwaged, and new members may pay this when submitting their work or through Paypal on our website (<>).

Deadline for submission drop off : 5p.m. Saturday 22nd .

Work may be submitted in person from 1st - 22nd September from 11am-5pm or via post.

Catalyst Arts
Ground Floor
5 College Court
Belfast BT1 6BS<>

************** Return postage must be submitted with posted works **************



The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.