Hello lovely Yuck 'n Yummers,
Submission deadline /// Spring issue submissions due by February 24th
As the submission deadline is looming, we would like to remind you to send your creative endeavours to us by Feb 24th. If you would like to be considered for inclusion in the next edition of our quarterly zine, please email submissions@yucknyum.com<mailto:submissions@yucknyum.com>. You can find our recently updated requirements for all submissions at www.yucknyum.com/how-to-submit/<http://www.yucknyum.com/how-to-submit/>
Yuck 'n Yum 2012 Dundee Zine Fair /// call for zines and zinesters
So, what are you up to on Saturday 24th March? If that's nothing, then good. If you've already got plans, then change 'em. Because something very big is coming to Dundee. No wait, something VERY BIG is coming to Dundee… there, that's better. What's coming is theYuck 'n Yum 2012 Dundee Zine Fair, an all day festival to celebrate the thriving scene of self publishing across Scotland and the world beyond. At Dundee's City Chambers from 11am to 4pm we'll have an array of tables for all you crazy zinesters to pitch up and offer the world your wares. A 3-foot wide table space can be hired for £5, and whatever type of zine you got, we wanna see it. For further info, email gayle@yucknyum.com<mailto:gayle@yucknyum.com> and your queries will be answered. Space is limited, so don't dilly dally!
PS oh yeah the spring 2012 issue of Yuck 'n Yum will be launched at the event too. Send us art, you know you want to.
Warm wishes and love!
YnY team
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