1 April - 14 May 2011
Opens Today, 31 March 6 - 8pm
Winston Roeth - Edinburgh Totem 2009 (detail) / Jonathan Owen - Untitled 2011 Gallery I
WINSTON ROETH is based in Beacon, New York State, and has been described as "probably the best colour painter in New York" by American critic Michael Brennan. At first glance his work appears very simple: thin, exquisitely layered, skeins of tempera on roof slates, building into velvet pigments that shift in the changing light. These colour combinations play gentle tricks on the eye - simultaneously drawing us into dense voids and then bouncing our gaze back with a vibrant intensity. Roeth's compositions are distilled to this apparent simplicity through the most minimal ingredients. Sometimes the slates are arranged as shimmering totems. In other works they are divided into grids, a geometric harmony of lines and colours, so that the matt expanse of paint is broken up by luminous lines in a perfect balance of light, depth and colour. In a world so accustomed to instant gratification Roeth's paintings require and reward an unusual level of contemplation.

Winston Roeth, Easy Lover 2010 / Installation view Gallery I, Ingleby Gallery
Gallery II
JONATHAN OWEN is based in Scotland and graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2000. There is a sort of elegant vandalism intrinsic in Owen's works on paper and in his small carved sculptures. By reducing his subjects he delicately examines the essential qualities of an object or image, transforming their meaning and presenting the viewer with the curiously unexpected. In this exhibition there will be a series of "drawings", photographs found in books of civic sculptures that have been gently erased, leaving a ghostly trace. A group of sculptures work in a similar way. Small found wooden figures are intricately carved to create a disjointed and reduced version of the original character, presenting an unsolvable yet innately intriguing puzzle. This is his first show at Ingleby Gallery.

Jonathan Owen - Untitled 2011 / partially erased book page / 22 x 29 com
Saturday 7 May, 2pm
Apocalpse Now (15)
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
(1979 / 2001, US) 202 mins
as chosen by Winston Roeth
Saturday 14 May, 2pm
Saturday 14 May, 2pm
Billy Liar (PG)
Directed by John Schlesinger
(1963, UK) 98 mins
as chosen by Jonathan Owen
Film Club is free; to book a place please email