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New British Council Collection
British Council has given Central Station access to their phenomenal catalogue of artwork collected over the last 60 years. Take a look at this exclusive collection, including work by artists Mark Wallinger, Chad McCail and Madame Yevonde.
IETM-Glasgow - Emerging Artist Winner Announced
IETM (International Network for Performing Arts) and Central Station have teamed up to offer one lucky member the opportunity to showcase visual artwork during this year's Autumn Plenary meeting in Glasgow. Find out who the winning artist is and details of their show here.
Toad's Caravan
Be part of this newly established analogue and digital arts collective. The group are now looking for people to join them on projects involving video editing, animation and other aspects of design.
The Creature Curiosity Project
Have you got an idea for half an animal or half a monster? Creature Curiosity is a non-profit project and a collaborative venture aiming to bring illustrators and young children together and raise money for educational projects across the UK.
Akademie Schloss Solitude International Residencies 65 residencies up for grabs across all disciplines at Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany. Don't miss the deadline; find out how to apply today.
A CenSta Top 5: Costumes
Glitz, glamour and eccentricity in these 5 fantastic pieces of work from members working in costume design. [Image: Charlotte Flanders]
Q&A: Paul Kerlaff
We grab 5 minutes with Paul Kerlaff, the man behind Central Station's Shadow Screen competition. He's looking for people from a variety of creative backgrounds to submit designs for his free-standing and fixed screens. There's a fee and a licensing agreement for the winner. Find out more now.
London Film Festival 2010
Our Editor reports from London Film Festival where films by Anton Corbijn, Clio Barnard and Gillian Wearing have just screened. Read about the highlights here.
Our creative community is made up of people from across the world - browse members' work, meet new people and find talent to collaborate with.
Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201