Thursday, 25 February 2010

Research Seminar: Wednesday 3 March 2010

eca research seminar series

The Inner Sense of Time

By Dr. Julian Kiverstein and Dr. Chris Speed
Philosophy, Edinburgh University; Architecture, Edinburgh College of Art

Time is intangible. There is no sense organ dedicated to the perception of time, yet we experience its passing. We feel the duration of events: ten minutes waiting for a train or ten minutes of snatched conversation with a friend. Current neuroscience research suggests a connection between subjective time and parts of the brain that monitor physiological states of the body and inform embodied emotions. Does looking at a clock, observing time, affect our perception of time. Imagine a clock that only functions when observed. What is the relationship between "lived time" and "universal time"?

Julian Kiverstein is teaching fellow in philosophy at Edinburgh University, recently completing a postdoc within the Eurocores Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context programme. He undertakes interdisciplinary research into the neural basis of subjective time, integrating phenomenology of mind with embodied cognitive science. Publications include a forthcoming book on Heidegger and cognitive science. Chris Speed is Reader in Digital Architecture at Edinburgh College of Art and is currently directing the EPSRC funded ToTEM research project inquiring into the "internet of things", examining things and our memory of them.

Wednesday 3 March 2010, 4.30-5.30 pm
details at:

Main lecture theatre (E22), Main Building
Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF

Edinburgh College of Art (eca) is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC009201