Sunday, 30 March 2008

New artists' studio complex opens in Edinburgh

art's complex

art's complex is a charitable organisation based in Edinburgh. Our
main aim is to redress the imbalance between the large number of
artists seeking affordable studio space in the city and the severe
lack of appropriate space available. art's complex has therefore been
searching for any unused spaces in the city that can be utilised for
this purpose.

The mid to long term objective of art's complex is to accumulate
funds to enable the arts industry in Edinburgh to reach out
specifically to the surrounding local community through arts
education and participatory projects; and more generally to the
international arts sector to bring nationally and internationally
renowned artists to Edinburgh to enrich the cultural diversity of the

saint margaret's house

Earlier this week [17 March 2008], art's complex managed to secure a
property in Edinburgh which lends itself to the easy conversion to
art studios: St Margaret's House on London Road.

Being less than forty years old, St. Margaret's House was built in
the 1970's as a set of open plan offices. The building is
structurally sound and well maintained with an abundance of good
natural light. St. Margaret's has spectacular views from the top
floors. The North facing elevation affords a panoramic view of the
whole of Leith, the Firth of Forth and Fife, while the view from the
southern elevation is dominated by Arthur's Seat.

From the outset, art's complex has the capacity to accommodate up to
200 individual studios with an accompanying 11 000 square feet
gallery/event space. An exciting programme of exhibitions and events
is planned to fully utilise this expansive gallery. With the
occupation of Saint Margaret's House, art's complex has the potential
to become the biggest collection of artists in one site in the whole
of Scotland. art's complex is pleased to announce that it has secured
entry to Saint Margaret's House and will be operational from the
beginning of April 2008. <>

To get more information about art's complex email: <>

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