The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
at The Lombard Method, Birmingham
21.10.11 - 29.10.11
Preview 21.10.11, 6-8pm
"Right then. Now, what I want you to do is; every time I press down on the keyboard, on one of the letters on the keyboard, I want you to put that letter up on the screen in front of me. Ok? Now, every time I press down on one of the numbers on the keyboard I want you to do the same with that. I want you to put it up on the screen in front of me."
Excerpt from transcript of Currall's Word Processing, 1995
As part of 'The Event'<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=e2b5807e1e&e=19377f0529> - a forum for contemporary art held in Birmingham - Rhubaba have been invited by The Lombard Method<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=3752bd2aa3&e=19377f0529> to present an exhibition in their building alongside several other contemporary arts organisations from around the UK.
Rhubaba will present a small selection of video works by Glasgow-based artist Alan Currall. Taking a chronological selection of 4 of Currall's single-channel video works produced between 1995 and 2004, this solo presentation aims to initiate a discussion between Rhubaba and Currall around a new work commissioned for their gallery space next year.
Born Stoke on Trent, 1964, Currall has exhibited widely in group and solo shows at galleries including the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, Hayward Gallery, London, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö and Stills Gallery, Edinburgh. In 2002 he exhibited at the Jerwood Gallery as part of the Artist Platform series and was nominated for the Beck's Futures Prize in 2003. He is a part-time lecturer on Sculpture and Environmental Art at Glasgow School of Art and also a visiting lecturer in Intermedia at Edinburgh College of Art.
Alongside Currall's works, Rhubaba have collected a small library of publications and printed-material produced over it's first two years of operation.
23/11/11, 6-8pm
A program of films selected from OUTPOST<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=13d97e67d7&e=19377f0529>'s artist membership by Benjamin Cook, director of Lux
Rhubaba presents: Sacha Imrie and Claire Davies
2/12/11 - 18/12/11
Preview: 2/12/11, 7-9pm
Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh
19/11/11 - 18/02/12
Rhubaba were invited to nominate a work they considered 'beautiful' or 'pertaining to beauty'. See the resulting commissioned work by nominated artist Michael White, alongside contributions from other institutions and individuals in the exhibition from 19th November.
Rhubaba Gallery and Studios
25 Arthur Street, Edinburgh
W: rhubaba.org<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=b988791722&e=19377f0529>
E: info@rhubaba.org
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
by Stuart Murray<http://thefolkyebumpintae.wordpress.com/author/thefolkyebumpintae/>
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
at The Lombard Method, Birmingham
21.10.11 - 29.10.11
Preview 21.10.11, 6-8pm
"Right then. Now, what I want you to do is; every time I press down on the keyboard, on one of the letters on the keyboard, I want you to put that letter up on the screen in front of me. Ok? Now, every time I press down on one of the numbers on the keyboard I want you to do the same with that. I want you to put it up on the screen in front of me."
Excerpt from transcript of Currall's Word Processing, 1995
As part of 'The Event'<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=e2b5807e1e&e=19377f0529> - a forum for contemporary art held in Birmingham - Rhubaba have been invited by The Lombard Method<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=3752bd2aa3&e=19377f0529> to present an exhibition in their building alongside several other contemporary arts organisations from around the UK.
Rhubaba will present a small selection of video works by Glasgow-based artist Alan Currall. Taking a chronological selection of 4 of Currall's single-channel video works produced between 1995 and 2004, this solo presentation aims to initiate a discussion between Rhubaba and Currall around a new work commissioned for their gallery space next year.
Born Stoke on Trent, 1964, Currall has exhibited widely in group and solo shows at galleries including the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, Hayward Gallery, London, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö and Stills Gallery, Edinburgh. In 2002 he exhibited at the Jerwood Gallery as part of the Artist Platform series and was nominated for the Beck's Futures Prize in 2003. He is a part-time lecturer on Sculpture and Environmental Art at Glasgow School of Art and also a visiting lecturer in Intermedia at Edinburgh College of Art.
Alongside Currall's works, Rhubaba have collected a small library of publications and printed-material produced over it's first two years of operation.
23/11/11, 6-8pm
A program of films selected from OUTPOST<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=13d97e67d7&e=19377f0529>'s artist membership by Benjamin Cook, director of Lux
Rhubaba presents: Sacha Imrie and Claire Davies
2/12/11 - 18/12/11
Preview: 2/12/11, 7-9pm
Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh
19/11/11 - 18/02/12
Rhubaba were invited to nominate a work they considered 'beautiful' or 'pertaining to beauty'. See the resulting commissioned work by nominated artist Michael White, alongside contributions from other institutions and individuals in the exhibition from 19th November.
Rhubaba Gallery and Studios
25 Arthur Street, Edinburgh
W: rhubaba.org<http://rhubaba.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1451e9af82bc98b746394f078&id=b988791722&e=19377f0529>
E: info@rhubaba.org
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Tel. +44(0)191 233 1450Locus+ Newsletter
The Locus+ Archive / Seeing in the Dark
A selection of material from The Locus+ Archive will form part of the group show - Seeing in the Dark curated and presented by CIRCA.
Preview: 19th October 6-9pmExhibition: 20th October - 12th November 2011
Curtis Mayfield House, Carliol Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6UF
Seeing in the Dark is an exhibition and series of events inspired by artist run groups from the 1970s and '80s, such as Newcastle's Ayton Basement and the Basement Group, and London's 2B Butler's Wharf.
Material on display from The Locus+ Archive includes posters, video and images from artists such as Neil Armstrong, Marc Camille Chaimowitz, Dave Critchley, Roberta Graham, Charlie Hooker, Matchbox Purveyors, Sarah Shaw and The Basement Group.
The exhibition will revisit key works from the '70s and '80s by artists associated with those groups among others, alongside contemporary media and performance artists' work, bringing together moving image and live performance.
Wards Building, 31-39 High Bridge
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1EW, UK
Tel: +44 (0)191 233 1450 |
Media Release: Piano Drop by Raydale Dower<http://tramway.createsend1.com/t/r/l/tkhhlrl/jyebjj/y/>
A press release with information on Piano Drop by Raydale Dower can be downloaded as a PDF at www.tramway.org/press<http://tramway.createsend1.com/t/r/l/tkhhlrl/jyebjj/t/> (scroll down).
For further enquiries please contact jo.lennie@ntlworld.com<mailto:jo.lennie@ntlworld.com?subject=Fresh%20Faced%20enquiry>
Send this email to a friend<http://tramway.forward-email.com/r/jyebjj/B84A5870/tkhhlrl/l/r/>
Tramway is owned by Glasgow City Council and programmed and managed by Culture & Sport Glasgow
Tramway, 25 Albert Drive, Glasgow, G41 2PE Phone: 0845 330 3501
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
"Siesta Pinwheel
is a project curated by Stephanie Mann and Lewis den Hertog (MFA Contemporary Art Practice, eca).
A set of plan chest drawers will be the venue of a series of exhibitions. Each drawer is offered as a location to install original works that responds to the this venue.
Siesta Pinwheel is initiating a continuous open call for proposals.
The deadline to be considered for the upcoming November show will be FRIDAY 28TH OCTOBER.
Send your proposal to: siestapinwheel@gmail.com<mailto:siestapinwheel@gmail.com>
The drawers are 123.4 x 87.9 x 5.5 cm (this is slightly larger than A0 size).
Any work submitted needs to fit within these dimensions, and we need to be able to close the drawers.
Work in all media will be considered.
Siesta Pinwheel is a non-profit, unfunded organisation and for this reason it will be the responsibility of selected artists to arrange delivery and collection of work themselves.
All selected work will be documented and archived and artists will be given the option to donate the work to become part of the Siesta Pinwheel collection."
Performance Log-rolling
Stills Performance Thursday 20 October 6.30pm Free
Stephen Sutcliffe Log-rolling
Skewing the context of Private Eye magazine's once yearly literary review feature, Stephen Sutcliffe and a selected cast give the first of a series of presentations, using video, audio and live readings of texts all culled from the artists personal archive.
Taking place within the space of Sutcliffe's exhibition Runaway, Success<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zg9m4ocab&et=1108081106321&s=5923&e=001UF0x0C0vHphz4UMiqy_S6wogEPvEtUswcCbp84JP5h_cmgHj6gF8n3e4Y9r9M_3j6nQKKzfl2qkrrTD9Ft56NhXOTIaUGrI1QNTDUUY40trvkcJNI8xDqLLn0Iag-22k8kUxOvKXOkZ0RRxMZk6yUqwGNZfRHvSchxqsVhGJEvgJupZ9aZHPoQ1xG3r4BMVa2x7EQIRaTZE=> this event deploys a methodology of live collage to continue and extend the exhibition's investigation of self-doubt, awkwardness and the construction of the idea of culture.
Limited spaces available, to book a place please email programme@stills.org <mailto:programme@stills.org> or call 0131 622 6200
Specially commissioned poster Runaway, Success includes an interview between the artist Stephen Sutcliffe and curator Lisa Le Feuvre and is available to purchase at the event and via Stills' shop click here.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zg9m4ocab&et=1108081106321&s=5923&e=001UF0x0C0vHpgXWoOLyr9V3wHNvufHQ5MSunEZB6fYjjCybOkiAZWpovMf-vFrE6D_7g_vMFEIYrkOtPdNMqfiNxZxyZAPAWaFfXJbvTCjLRnvUwyVXhpkbZS4tVAvj4MfXWJt2ymfb_kO9bcda8VSoRdeasxnzeWVeMuhwdP-O5gNpejoY9XJONIRKqlT4grUZe2c9SPtKbwXGfHoYv71cQ==>
Image Log-rolling, 2011 Stephen Sutcliffe [http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs060/1102161799385/img/378.jpg]
[http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs060/1102161799385/img/6.gif] 23 Cockburn St
[http://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs060/1102161799385/img/2.gif] We welcome everyone and are fully accessible by wheelchair. Staff are always available to help visitors.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
You and your friends and family are invited to a series of exciting events next week (17 - 21 Oct) for
A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE: a comic opera in three parts
A major new performance and exhibition created by two rising stars of the British art scene David Barnett, Sam Belinfante and the acclaimed artist Bruce McLean, commissioned by the Cooper Gallery, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. These three artists have been collaborating over the last three years towards larger scale cross disciplinary projects and we are very pleased to be involved in the creation of their most ambitious project to date.
A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE will also feature the renowned Mezzo-soprano Lore Lixenberg and performance artist Adeline Bourret with 60 musicians from three local choirs and the Dundee Drum Academy.
A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE: a comic opera in three parts is a distinctive new performance and exhibition in three different public spaces in Dundee. Combining opera, comedy, drawings, sculpture and moving images, this daring work will act as a stage for the city and its people, upon which the comedies of contemporary life will strut, turn and take a bow.
Open Rehearsals:
Tuesday 18 October, 3 – 4pm, Cooper Gallery
Wednesday 19 October, 3 – 4pm, Dundee City Square
Thursday 20 October, 3 – 4pm, Dundee Botanic Garden
5 o'clock Salon:
Monday 17 – Thursday 20 October, 5 – 5.40pm, Cooper Gallery, refreshments will be served
Culminating Performance:
Friday 21 October, 7pm, Cooper Gallery, Limited capacity, booking essential
Exhibition: Cooper Gallery
22 October - 5 November
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
One Night Stand aims to question the established modes of arts presentation by exploring the given parameters of the exhibition format, and how as a social and cultural index it comes to condition and shape the form of contemporary artistic and creative practices. By focusing on the processes and terms of production within a critical framework, the aim of the two-week programme is to come to a deeper understanding of how and why we create work under the administration of a deeply embedded 'exhibition complex'. Consequently, questions regarding the (social) exchange value of creative practices would be addressed given the analysis of the exhibition as a situation - specifically one where pre-determined expectations and intentions produce a particular type of interaction.
The programme will be based upon a highly discursive framework, which will include a public discussion.
Following a further week of production, participating artists will have the opportunity to critically respond by working with and against the limitations of the opening night and exhibition's terms of engagement.
To apply as an artist, to register interest in participating in the discussion event, or to find out more, email: danesutherland{{{{at}}}}}hotmail{{{{dot}}}}co{{{{{dot}}}}}uk<mailto:danesutherland@hotmail.co.uk>
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Alasdair Gray, Faust in his Study (1958) Courtesy of Sorcha Dallas
Within the historic institutions of The Literary and Philosophical Society and The Mining Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Monday 24 October 2011, 6.00-9.00pm
Curated by Dawn Bothwell
20 October–22 November 2011, Monday – Friday 10.00-5.00pm and Saturday 09.30-1.00pm
The Literary and Philosophical Society, 23 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne
The Mining Institute, Neville Hall, Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne
"Metaphor is one of thought's most essential tools. It illuminates what would otherwise be totally obscure. But the illumination is sometimes so bright that it dazzles instead of revealing"
-Alasdair Gray, Lanark
In the canon of art history, artists are seen to epitomise their own era; led by decree, circumstance or their desire to understand and illustrate the age that they live in.
The Profane Myth presents artwork by Adam Chodzko, Steven Claydon, Alasdair Gray, Bradley Pitts and Damien Roach which re-examines the validity and success of Western tenet.
These works expose innadequicies within the systems of logic that we use to perceive the world around us while proposing alternative relationships between established value and belief systems.
Adam Chodzko distills the potential of collective imagination. By working with peripheral communities while alluding to traditional legend he distills the convention, hierarchy and lineage of mythology.
Steven Claydon challenges the agendas behind history's interpretation - the subjective and linear principles that are used to govern our understanding of it through it's documentation and our reading of it through education. In his work Claydon represents history in this way and looks to the power held by fictional narritive to embue an object with meaning and value.
Alasdair Gray carries a tradition from artists who have inspired him - including William Blake and Aubrey Beardsley - using art and writing combined to create an analogy wherein it is possible to visualise complex aspects of human nature and modern society. Throughout Alasdair Gray's remarkable career as a writer and artist he has shaped an uncompromising view on the very nature of these occupations. His work takes its form and inspiration from those things which shape his own understanding of the world: the city he lives in, the people around him and his education through literature; which aids the understanding of both these things.
Bradley Pitts pursues the transient experience and demonstrates a first-hand knowledge of emptiness itself. Describing his work as a form of ontological research in which the "empty", and therefore the "real", are at stake. Subverting the positivist values of his working methods, he restores science and technology to a place where they can be used to investigate philosophical questions and subjective realities.
Damien Roach challenges the systems of interpretation and value which we use to understand the world around us; transparently presenting artifice in order to show the fallibility of expression and interpretation through visual, written and audible record. Illustrating the close proximity between fact and myth Roach illuminates the frequent trade-off between these two principles and acknowledges the foundations of understanding; a guided vision interpreted through simulation.
Alasdair Gray - Reading at The Literary and Philosophical Society - Saturday 19 November 2011, 12 Noon
Free, Limited - Booking required - 0191 232 0192 orinfo@theprofanemyth.org<mailto:info@theprofanemyth.org>
Alasdair Gray will perform a reading from his recent play Fleck and from Goethe's Faust, which inspired his modern adaptation.
Adam Chodzko - Ghost - Throughout the exhibition
Ghost - a custom built kayak - hosts it's passenger in the front carriage positioned lying down in isolation. It's design harnesses the sensation of floating over the water and connects experience with the Greek myth of Charon and the ferrymen of Hades .
Throughout the duration of the exhibiton Ghost will leave The Mining Institute library and take a selection of passengers along the river tyne from the location of the former Armstrong Works factory. Footage taken of Ghost's journies on the River Tyne will be shown alongside the work within The Mining Institute library.
Daily Tours - Monday-Friday 12.15 and Saturday 10.15 starting inside The Lit & Phil Library Entrance
Free but booking required - info@theprofanemyth.org<mailto:info@theprofanemyth.org>
Daily Film Screening - Monday-Friday 1.00 and Saturday 11.00 - Steven Claydon, The Ancient Set and Adam Chodzko, Echo in The Mining Institute Lecture Theatre
Located here:
[http://gallery.mailchimp.com/1e3ab751b0ce8665cf6eb5a70/images/Lottery_black.1.jpg] <http://theprofanemyth.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f4cdc45f96bff81b49f4c2804&id=70b9aac9f3&e=4dd5df30f7>
Copyright © 2011 Dawn Bothwell, All rights reserved.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
--EMBASSY presents: The Last ManMichael White15 - 30 OctoberOpening Friday 14 October, from 7pmAt:Outhouse12a Broughton Street LaneEdinburghEH1 3LY
10b Broughton Street Lane,
Edinburgh,EH1 3LY
Embassy Gallery LTD is registered in Scotland Company Number:259872 and Charity No. SC035780Embassy is supported by Creative Scotland
video trailer - http://www.vimeo.com/29878086
Dust for the surface and the sinus.
Right up the hooter, or the lung, or the 'arris…. No lack of targets above or below the waist...Down the bleedin' plughole we go.
Sell a lung to feed the kids.
Dust for the career
Dust as the crust of the hibernating ape
If you don't want spam to be delivered to your brain section blister blob, but want it erased……The…...it's…. it's the same damn prescription drugs I'm sick of having…..If it is correctly classified as spam, you NOW want spam delivered to your beef folder, we do that…We can facilitate…beat beef beat beef beat beef beat beef beat beef beat beef beat beef beat beef beat beef beat beef beat
We can bump heads and collide
Mush..want beef...Beef..want mush
Dust for the new Etonian dark times
Beagles and Ramsay
The Project Room, 103 Trongate, Glasgow
Opening: Saturday 8th October 7 – 9pm
Exhibition continues: Tues 11th – Sat 15th October, 12 – 5pm
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Centrespace, VRC
6 October, 9.30am – 4.30pm
This unique symposium celebrates 75 extraordinary years of the Wellcome Trust organised by Exhibitions at DJCAD and Wellcome Trust Centre Dundee at Life Sciences, University of Dundee.
The event will bring together scientists, artists, designers and cultural practitioners to conceptualise the century-long transition from the city's textiles past to its bio-research future and consider the ideal components needed for ways forward in genuine art and science collaborations.
Image: Pernille Spence
Keynote presentations will be delivered by Dr. Martha Fleming and Dr. Rob La Frenais.
Dr. Fleming is a museum professional and academic working in the interdisciplinary nexus between the sciences, the humanities and the fine arts. Fleming has been a cultural consultant to the Wellcome Trust and the Creative Director of an award-winning (Dibner 2010) exhibition about biomedicine at the University of Copenhagen's Medical Museion.
Dr. La Frenais is a curator and critic who has curated and produced interdisciplinary and visual art projects since 1987. He has been Senior Curator of The Arts Catalyst, London since 1997, which has a remit to experimentally and critically engage with science.
Artist and designer presentations will be given by Gair Dunlop & David Fyans, Zoe Irvine, John McGhee and Sandra Wilson.
Numbers are extremely limited for this event and booking is essential. Please contact exhibitions@dundee.ac.uk<mailto:exhibitions@dundee.ac.uk> to enquire about booking a place.
Shared Imagination: Exhibition Preview
Centrespace, VRC
6 October, 6 – 8pm
This event is open to all, no need to book. Evening Reception including Performance by Pernille Spence and Screening of Atom Town by Gair Dunlop.
Shared Imagination: Exhibition
Centrespace, VRC
7 October - 30 October, Mon – Sun: 12 – 4.30pm
The exhibition, Shared Imagination, brings together the work of nine Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design practitioners and researchers and their collaborators.
Paul Harrison, Zoe Irvine, John McGhee, Jim Pattison, Elaine Shemilt, Pernille Spence, Sandra Wilson
A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE: a comic opera in three parts
David Barnett, Sam Belinfante, Bruce McLean
Featuring the renowned Mezzo-soprano Lore Lixenberg and the performance artist Adeline Bourret with musicians from Dundee.
Open Rehearsals:
Tuesday 18 October, 3 – 4pm, Cooper Gallery
Wednesday 19 October, 3 – 4pm, Dundee City Square
Thursday 20 October, 3 – 4pm, Dundee Botanic Garden
5 o'clock Salon: Cooper Gallery
Monday 17 – Thursday 20 October, 5 – 5.40pm, Cooper Gallery, refreshments will be served
Culminating Performance: Cooper Gallery
Friday 21 October, 7pm, limited capacity, booking essential
Exhibition: Cooper Gallery
22 October - 5 November
A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE: a comic opera in three parts is a distinctive new performance and exhibition to be presented in three different public spaces in Dundee. Combining opera, comedy, drawings, sculpture and moving images, this daring work will act as a stage for the city and its people, upon which the comedies of contemporary life will strut, turn and take a bow.
Writers in Residence programme
John Dummett, Ajay AS Hothi and Christina Manning Lebek
During the course of the Open Rehearsals and culminating Performance of A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE: a comic opera in three parts between 17 – 21 Oct, the commissioned writers John Dummett, Ajay AS Hothi and Christina Manning Lebek will carry out a 'live writing' action in situ to publicly share observations and reflections in a dedicated space at Cooper Gallery. This space will also act as a collaborative text, in which common ideas and responses will be drawn out and addressed by the writers. The observations, reflections, annotations and commentaries will be published on a blog at the Cooper Gallery website.
AN ACTION OF WORDS-Writers in Residence is supported by the Critical Writing in Art and Design Programme, Royal College of Art.
More info about A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE: a comic opera in three parts and AN ACTION OF WORDS...<http://dundee.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bec5c83c5721068bccd072abe&id=42831d5a44&e=32a6ecbb2f>
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Speed of Light
The team decamped to Edinburgh for a week of Research and Development on Arthur's Seat in August. Over 100 runners from the Central Belt volunteered their time and leg-power to test the choreographed routes as well as 15 prototype light suits. The results were stunning!
We're looking for 5,000 runners to illuminate the hillside over three weeks next August – full details, including how to register, will be available from the end of October. There will be many other opportunities to take part in rehearsals and kits tests in the coming months so please sign up at www.speedoflight2012.org.uk<http://nva.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65437851dded736b04c964429&id=1ac3158905&e=93699841ee>. Our new website will be launched at the end of October.
Kilmahew/St Peter's
We'll be carrying on our work with the local community this month. The Cardross Heritage Project will be gathering information, objects, artefacts, images and memories of the site. The findings will be used in the development of a local history archive. If you'd like to contribute something or get involved with this group please emailkilmahew@nva.org.uk<mailto:kilmahew@nva.org.uk>
The Masterplan for Kilmahew/St Peter's, produced by ERZ Landscape Architects with input from Avanti Architects, will be available on our website in mid October.
New publication on sale
Our new book,To Have and to Hold, Future of a Contested Landscape, launched to a full house at the Edinburgh International Book Festival last month.
The full-colour publication follows NVA's 2010 contribution to Venice Architecture Biennale, charting the story of Kilmahew/St Peter's and our intentions for its future development, with lively contributions from academics, artists, writers, architects and landscape architects. It raises questions about how we deal with history and heritage, conservation and preservation, ownership and decision making about such sites. You can buy your copy HERE<http://nva.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=65437851dded736b04c964429&id=e202eb6e31&e=93699841ee>.
Glasgow Harvest 2011
Our celebration of urban growing has been a great success in the South, East and North of the city so far this autumn - thanks to all of the community gardens for being such great hosts. We're looking forward to more live music, art, communal cooking, food sharing and workshops this weekend (Sat 8 October) at Woodlands Community Gardens, from 12-4pm.
Call for Pizza Spinners!
As part of Harvest West, artist Stephen Skrynka is building a clay pizza oven with the help of local people. We're looking for skilled pizza spinners who like to take part in a competition on Saturday at 2pm. The winners will enjoy a meal for two (worth £50) at award-winning local restuarant Stravaigin. To register please contact Clem on 0141 332 9911, or email clem@nva.org.uk<mailto:clem@nva.org.uk>
We're currently recruiting for two interns: one to work with our Marketing and Administration team on core projects and another to focus on Speed of Light duties. More information is available on our website.<http://nva.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=65437851dded736b04c964429&id=4c5a1ecee9&e=93699841ee>
New NVA Staff
NVA would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Speed of Light staff, Claire Miller, Engagement Co-ordinator and Jane Connarty, Associate Director. Glad to have you on the team!
New SAGE Website
SAGE continues to grow and on the wave of success of The Concrete Garden at St Matthews in Possil. The SAGE website is finally launched. A great hub of information for all urban growers, it will also keep up to date with all the SAGE supported growing sites.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Glasgow Landscapes 70s & 10s
6th - 29th October 2011
Trongate 103 Foyer
Glasgow G1 5HD
Tuesday- Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 12 - 5pm
Admission: Free
These photographs by Keith Ingham span the time from his first few years in Glasgow to the present. They form two groups of landscapes: one of images made in the 1970s and the other made in the last two years. In the time between much has changed. The 1970s were a difficult decade of inflation and industrial strife across the UK, during which Glasgow strove to hang on the last remnants of its once proud industrial heritage. The city had to wait until the 1980s to realise that it was indeed "miles better". It is ironic that after an intervening period of prosperity and growth we are perhaps moving into another turbulent decade.
The axioms and mores of the visual arts have shifted too. While the early images were made simply to document places in Glasgow, the later group are more reflective and intuitive, even to some degree conceptual in their choice of subject. Inevitably, the photographer has also changed. At a new stage of life, perspectives and horizons have adjusted and the approach becomes more contemplative. These are personal landscapes.
Click here for info on how to get to Trongate 103>
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=rdcsvncab&et=1107887012419&s=1105&e=001RhSPIn2HZGatmceWiMpZn5ISSn4Rf3-1sCllP6MODQOwNVTOFqV3YJp99ct5-pPNbQa-jB5VJ62cv4NuNQMRV--Czxkkiim2083oX03IBEh2v1VJKxSmjlBzc06BzcnIHcV6lw041i0=>Click here to visit Keith's website><http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=rdcsvncab&et=1107887012419&s=1105&e=001RhSPIn2HZGb8eYU7aW8GJcRCMJFhwlwrO91LmZ5fm7nF2KmEajlFlHQEM7N66LNjANRYhlYYnXBt_JYKe6_xG6gm9I46iVPCy1L1iAyV5s_jUOHq36gJew==>
Born and raised in England, Keith Ingham moved to Glasgow, Scotland in the early 1970s after a period in Canada. He also worked in Sweden for a year. Shortly after arriving in Glasgow he joined a group active in social documentary photography and spent several years recording changes in the physical and social structure of the city. In the last decade he has embraced digital photography and wrestled with the associated challenge of colour in his images.
His work has been exhibited widely in Scotland and in several European cities, and is in the Scottish National Photography Archive and the City of Glasgow collection. He continues to exhibit, most recently in Lithuania in September 2011.
This exhibition compliments "The Glesga That I Used to Know. 70s Glasgow: Through the Lens" to which Keith Ingham also contributes. Scotland Street School Museum, 225 Scotland Street, Glasgow G4 0RH.
Tel: 0141 287 0500. Until January 8th, 2012.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Welcome to our newsletter! We plan to keep you updated with all the progress on Forest Pitch and inform you of potential ways you can become involved. Here's what's happening now...
We are pleased to announce that we are now looking for design ideas for the 4 football strips that our teams will wear during the Forest Pitch games! In collaboration with Education Scotland<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zna7f9dab&et=1107949754255&s=125&e=001e1u026v9wpkAppaQ1yIi2r3aF-0BdyxzHnl4RGNS7-0oyIBa6g49kiB7-h-bFtYx0yMrLu9KVODZ68fUIEcY_Q-QqOvVSeVvFiczT1OEkLy1J3FfBBMuduxg3VfJxTLZJZSxS9l1GxYWmLcz_L_BdrpC_AMPLTfi9UZPF1aE98OuiIulkPr0hnlXBTlEUfNEo4zdy6nLZu8=>, we are looking for Primary School age children living in Scotland to send us their ideas for our strips.
The competition is open now, and the closing date for entries is 16th December 2011. Full details about the competition and how to enter are available on the Education Scotland website here.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zna7f9dab&et=1107949754255&s=125&e=001e1u026v9wpkAppaQ1yIi2r3aF-0BdyxzHnl4RGNS7-0oyIBa6g49kiB7-h-bFtYx0yMrLu9KVODZ68fUIEcY_Q-QqOvVSeVvFiczT1OEkLy1J3FfBBMuduxg3VfJxTLZJZSxS9l1GxYWmLcz_L_BdrpC_AMPLTfi9UZPF1aE98OuiIulkPr0hnlXBTlEUfNEo4zdy6nLZu8=>
We will be creating a shortlist of 30 entries in January, with judging of the final winners in late January.
Winners will have their designs made into actual football strips, and will be invited with their families, to attend the Forest Pitch games on 21st July 2012, and see their strips being worn!
A short video explaining a bit more about the competition can be seen on our website here.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zna7f9dab&et=1107949754255&s=125&e=001e1u026v9wpn49-npwtNPoPBszJzc_h0g_DGG8OmQo9g5hMSMXVzfPC1_imYd3BmNDTEPffdbXK-t0gsIYof0oozuirUKN3Fy1YrPjKcbJkcZ4kOP9kO70dXJpNa9gdtu_JeB_xaOihEmFN5TOuVsXw==>
If you'd like to ask any questions regarding Forest Pitch, or would like to contribute in someway, please let us know via our website comment form<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=zna7f9dab&et=1107949754255&s=125&e=001e1u026v9wpmOD32a3FR3AQg9a98__cZr8rXgU4AA6WIz6As0-JNm4R9QByXZJN5jS44sNsb6SkN7OvDAXJPPBm-57uQVjLuB-vGTKpwnWvzqgfxBGZ9bpeCzWNGK0C_sqraPPGfvqqU=>.
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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